Given my work and research interests are around women's health and justice, I get asked a lot if I am a feminist. Which I don't mind being asked - or answering - but I have noticed that it is often said with a slightly bemused or disgusted face (and their reaction to my affirmative doubly so). Some people seem to spit the word out as if it tasted bad in their mouth.
I have to admit that for a long time this suprised me. I thought that regardless of your political persuasions (or apathies) most people understand what feminism is and what it has acheived for women over the last century or so. But the more time that goes by, the more I understand that people actually don't really understand what feminism is or who feminists are.
Many people's notions of feminism are ill-informed, based on stories and images of women burning their bras, marching for control over their reproductive choices, and fighting for equal pay and against violence towards women. Images of hairy hippies spring to mind, of 'butch' lesbians, of women who hate men. Does any of this ring a bell?
But when you push past those pre-conceived notions of hairy-pitted men-haters (not that the two are mutually inclusive), you realise most people just don't understand it in the context of the here and now. In these modern times of hyper-sexuality and materialism, where women are more than ever financially and socially independent, surely this term - this ethos - is moribund?
So I ask if they think men and women are equal in worth? The answer is always yes. Then I ask if they believe men and women should have control over their own lives, have autonomy, be makers of their own destiny? The answer is a resounding yes. To which I then reply, these are the fundamental tenets of feminism - that men and women are equal in worth and should be equal in status within society. It wasn't always so. And there are still areas where this is clearly not the case. So feminism isn't redundant, there are still major shortfalls to cover, still fights to be fought to make sure no woman is worth less than any man. When I ask people to really think about it - are women of equal status in our society, do we have total autonomy - many suddenly realise the answer is no, not really.
It's not a dirty word, and it's no longer about burning our bras. Sadly there are some women who hate men, just as there are men who hate women (incidentally the original title of Stieg Larsson's book, adapted to English as the girl with the dragon tattoo). But this isn't what feminism is about, it's not about hating men but recognising that our society doesn't value men and women equally and that we must fight to make this happen. If you agree that women and men should be equal in worth and social value, you're already fundamentally a feminist.
You just didn't know it yet :)
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Winter officially starts on Tuesday. Though to be honest it feels like it started a couple of weeks ago, when the temperature dropped, and then stayed, below 20 Celsius, the nights got into the single digits, and the leaves have started falling off the trees and going mushy in the rain.
It's prompted me to reflect on autumn and what that season brings. It's a strange season here, because in my memory it seems to go pretty quickly between summer and winter, barely registering spring or autumn. But this year autumn seemed a more recognisable change, it seemed to last a little longer and show itself more clearly.
It's brought a lot of rain this year (which is a good thing here)and very changeable weather. It started with long mellow days, then mild fresh days, and finally cold and dark days. The days seemed to grow shorter at a phenomenal speed.
But most of all, autumn this year revealed its true colourful splendour in all its glory. Crisp blue skies, trees ranging from green to yellow to red to brown, grass shooting new green leaves where once there was dry brown dirt. A true cacophony of colour, nature's final flourish before sleeping for the winter.
I can't wait to see what spring holds.

Thursday, May 27, 2010
the joy of flowers

My partner got me flowers yesterday! aawwww!!!!! It's not something that happens very often, maybe twice a year, so it's extra special when it happens, especially when it's "just because"!
I love the colour (and sometimes smell) flowers offer the house. They lift even the lowest of spirits, and seem to bring light and positive energy into a room. I love all flowers, but my favourites are tulips, lilies, orchids and sunflowers.
Here's a short history of some of the flowers I've received over the years...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
the hazards of riding
I commute to work on my bicycle. It's only about 10km each way so it's great for my fitness (as well as the environment and my hip pocket) but not too arduous.
On Thursday last week my worst riding nightmare came true. I was hit by a car. As I came down the left of banked up traffic, a car turned right in front of me leaving me with nowhere to go but straight into the side of him at about 35kph. Amazingly neither myself nor the bike are badly damaged. I got some scrapes and bruises, but nothing broken. My trusty bike barely registered a dent.
To be fair to the driver, neither of us could see each other until it was too late. I'm a stickler for rules, especially road rules (and resent fellow cyclists who flout the road rules and give the rest of us a bad reputation) and I know that it was his responsibility to ensure there was no oncoming traffic (including me) before conducting his manoeuvre, but unless he stopped mid-manoeuvre (and mid-rush hour traffic) to check, there was no way he could see me, despite me wearing high visibility clothes and flashing lights. And I know we're all guilty of rushing and not checking properly, especially in a stressful siuation like that.
Therefore I'd just like to caution everyone - drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, to be extra careful, to remember to take that time to check your blind spots, your mirrors etc and watch out for each other. I may have been in the right, but that's not much use if I'd been killed.
Stay safe!
On Thursday last week my worst riding nightmare came true. I was hit by a car. As I came down the left of banked up traffic, a car turned right in front of me leaving me with nowhere to go but straight into the side of him at about 35kph. Amazingly neither myself nor the bike are badly damaged. I got some scrapes and bruises, but nothing broken. My trusty bike barely registered a dent.
To be fair to the driver, neither of us could see each other until it was too late. I'm a stickler for rules, especially road rules (and resent fellow cyclists who flout the road rules and give the rest of us a bad reputation) and I know that it was his responsibility to ensure there was no oncoming traffic (including me) before conducting his manoeuvre, but unless he stopped mid-manoeuvre (and mid-rush hour traffic) to check, there was no way he could see me, despite me wearing high visibility clothes and flashing lights. And I know we're all guilty of rushing and not checking properly, especially in a stressful siuation like that.
Therefore I'd just like to caution everyone - drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, to be extra careful, to remember to take that time to check your blind spots, your mirrors etc and watch out for each other. I may have been in the right, but that's not much use if I'd been killed.
Stay safe!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
This blog is an avenue for all my musings, theories, postulations, and observations about life and society. A creative dumping ground if you will.
But first a little about me. I am passionate about politics, the planet, music, photography, women's issues, food, wine and weddings, just to name a few. An eclectic mix I know!
I chose the Red Femme for a number of reasons which I'm sure I'll divulge over the course of a few blogs, but for now suffice it to say that red is not only the colour of my hair but of passion and strength, and I am a femme!
But first a little about me. I am passionate about politics, the planet, music, photography, women's issues, food, wine and weddings, just to name a few. An eclectic mix I know!
I chose the Red Femme for a number of reasons which I'm sure I'll divulge over the course of a few blogs, but for now suffice it to say that red is not only the colour of my hair but of passion and strength, and I am a femme!
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